Monday, March 24, 2008

HSX - Hollywood Stock Exchange

I’ve been playing for about three years now. It’s a site where you can ‘buy’ stocks in movies that are in production and bonds in the stars. The movies cash out at their value in box office millions and the stars adjust based on their last five movies. You start with 2 million and, at present, I’m up over 150 million. I’m in the top 2% and closing in on the top 1% and am in the top 10,000 players.

I go in mostly every day to dabble in the daily stocks. Since I learned how to short bonds, I’ve done much better. Most of my main goals have been passed – 100 million, top 2%, in top 10,000, 150 million. My next big goals are $200 million and top 1%. After that, it will be a while before I crack $500 million or top 5,000.

This gives me no illusions about my ability with real stocks. This is a select environment with strict rules on how it works. The real world doesn’t adjust nearly as cleanly. Besides, the real world won’t give you $50,000 every week to dabble with just for answering a simple survey about what movie you’re going to see.

If you want to join, you can go under here - I still have a few referals left.

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