Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hercules / Heracles

I’m just reading the kids the Greek and Roman mythologies – in graphic novel form. It’s a nice version that gives a good overview for them. It mainly uses the Greek names for the gods but does give charts and tables with the Roman versions. The one problem is with Heracles, or as they call him, Hercules.

With Greek myths you have – Aphrodite, Ares, Poseidon, Hades, and Heracles as Zeus’ son but not with Hera.
In Roman myths, you get – Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, and Hercules as Jupiter’s son but not with Juno.

I’ve noticed that most shows seem to want to use the Greek gods but usually break down and use Hercules to not confuse the masses. Both Hercules the TV series and Hercules the animated movie have done this and it always annoys me when it happens. Of course, I would rather that they use the Roman names anyways but if they are going to use the Greek names, at least be consistent.

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