Friday, August 24, 2012

White Dwarf - subcription hiccup

My White Dwarf subscription had lapsed. Back in the day, they used to notify you that your subscription was coming to an end. But since they have changed it back to a North American edition they no longer do this. Since subscribers often won’t get an issue until the second week of the month, I wasn’t certain until last week that it wasn’t coming – and I wasn’t able to get to the ‘local’ Games Workshop until Wednesday.

I can’t really complain as I had last renewed back in Feb and received issues up to July. I finally managed to pop by Games Workshop and Mark hooked me up with another year’s subscription but the August issue had a minicodex for 40K in it and has completely sold out. I could get them delivered to the store but, with them not being open on Mondays and Tuesdays, and being located in St Vital – I’m rarely able to get to the store to pick them up.

The renewal kicks back in for the December issue so Mark will hold a copy of the new issues until I’m getting them again. I checked Chapters, McNally’s, and even Comics America to see if they had a copy of the August issue – but none did. So I will have to try my luck on the secondary market.

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