Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jack of Cakes?

My wife had ordered a Madagascar birthday cake for G at Safeway for her party. When we went to pick it up the baker told us that there hadn’t been any notes on the order so she made a standard cake. I said I was sure that the wife said that she had ordered a Madagascar cake but she showed me the order sheet. I said that should be okay but asked if we could get the figures anyways. When she checked for them she found the other order sheet with the order for the character cake.

I thought we could make the best of it but the baker felt bad. She caught up with us at the checkout and changed the pricing – only charging us for a quarter slab instead of the half slab. I told her that she didn’t have to but then noticed that my daughter’s eyes were starting to well up.

In the car she started to wail. She proceeded to wail while we dropped D3 off at my folks and continued when we got home. Since Shan had ordered it over the phone, G was upset “that I didn’t even get to see it.”

I did a quick check on the internet showed us what the cake was supposed to look like. That seemed to calm her down a bit. We went back to the kitchen and I proceeded to take off the icing flowers. I moved some of the icing leaves together to make bushes and G put on the sprinkles - blue for the water, yellow for the beach, and green for the jungle. The fact that the stripes were going the wrong way gave her a bit of concern but I explained that it worked better this way with the lettering. She put on the trees and animals and it was all fine again.

At the pool party, none of the kids noticed anything odd about the cake. Even thought G cut large, 3” x 3” pieces, all were eaten and most of the cake went. After the party we went to get her an ice-cream cake for the family party. I asked where the figures were.

Shan thought we had them but it looked like she had thrown them out with the dirty plates. I checked with G to see if she wanted to keep them so we went back to the pool.
They were closed but I was able to get in and they let me in the back. They hadn’t cleared away the trash from the party area yet so I was able to find the figures mixed in with a bag of plates.

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