Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I used to be hyperthyroidal in my formative years. It had both pluses and minuses. I always felt like the room was about 5 degrees warmer than it really was (nice in the winter but killer in the summer); I used to be able to eat vast quantities and yet was never over 150 pounds (which has skewed my portion sizes and diet since); and I was able to go without as much sleep (and would often read into the wee hours until I would finally pass out, or not). About twice a month, I would lose a night’s sleep by staying up reading or playing computer games until I was required to interact with a new day.
In my late teens, I was diagnosed, medicated, and ultimately treated for this by drinking radioactive iodine. The nurse puts the lead apron on you, brings out this tiny pill bottle-sized container encased in the center of a 6 inch diameter lead canister and then tells you to drink it. I did, and it seems to have worked fine. Sometimes it kills off too much of the thyroid and one becomes hypothyroidal, again requiring medication.

Sometimes I miss the not being as affected by the lack of sleep. Now, for instance. Although considering how much of a sleep debt I have accumulated these last two weeks, I am not doing too badly.

Quick status report: Helmet done and painted, all armor pieces glued. Not much time left and a lot left to do to pull everything together. A lot has been started, need to finish more.
With the Slave of Starro tournament finale tonight, I’ll have to work late again tonight to have a chance of finishing up tomorrow night. I was able to watch the Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back dvd commentaries while painting.

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