Friday, August 3, 2007

WOTC cancels Dragon and Dungeon

Two notes at the start: First, these are the two magazines, Dragon and Dungeon not the actual role-playing game itself (or even the miniature game).
Second, for some this is old news already – as it was originally announced back on April 19 -

Talk about a real blow to the stomach. Now, let me be up front and say that while I did read these both back in the day – Dragon from about issue 50 and Dungeon from its inception, I haven’t really bought either in about 100 issues. That’s close to a decade. I have picked up the occasional Dragon magazine here and there and have peeked at them in Walmart but haven’t really subscribed since back when.

Even more painful is the fact that the only reason I found out was in searching the web for info about the old D&D cartoon ads that ran back in late 70s/early 80s. I had been thinking about when I had make the change from standard board games (Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk) to RPGs and wargames. I know I had bought the second edition Dungeons & Dragons set at Eatons while in elementary – based on the ads in the backs of comic books. I’m trying to recall if that was before or after getting Attack on Moscow or Attack of the Mutants from comic ads as well. Hence my search for the ads – whether the art was Jeff Dee, Erol Otis, or Bill Willingham but I am leaning towards Jeff Dee.

The last issues will be Dragon 359 and Dungeon 150. I’ll be keeping an eye out for them. Hopefully they will rerelease the collections on CD again. They had released issues 1-250 in PDF on CD but, having most of those issues, I had failed to pick it up then. I wouldn't make that mistake again.


1 comment:

JP said...

That's a total cancel then. I knew that Piazo (an online retailer) had lost the contract to do electronic releases for one or both, but I didn't realize the print form was going, too.

Ah, SnarfQuest.