Thursday, March 30, 2023

New editions

 There are a few editions of games that I play (or collect) that have come out with a new edition.  Some of the most revised have been Car Wars, Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, Blood Bowl, and Space Hulk.


Some of the newer small games that I have picked up have done well enough for a second edition.  Sometimes this happens even before I get a chance to get the original to the table.  A few of the Osprey Wargame series have had this happen like Lion Rampant, Gaslands, In Her Majesty’s Name (confirm name).  Of these three I have only picked up the new edition of Gaslands so far. 


I even picked up Frostgrave on sale before the second edition came out.  I have picked up most of the older expansions but have not gotten the new edition yet.



There are three more new editions that are coming out this year.  One for a game I have not played.  One for a game that I have played.  One for a game that I used to play.


I have not yet played Street Wars NYC but am in the midst of painting some gangs for it.  I will probably pick up the newer edition, and look forward to a few clarifications on the rules.  There are also two more gangs that I need to pick up, so far.  I will probably not back the kickstarter if there is one but will pick it up afterwards.


I have played Don’t Look Back solo already.  The rules could certainly use some tightening up, but the game seems quick, and plays well for the theme.  I have picked up a bunch of the expansions but had been putting off getting the extra rules when I heard that they were going to release a newer edition.  They are running a preorder right now of their site, and I have already ordered the Tier 1 level – with the new book and new Core Heroes, and Killer boxes.  I did not get the Tier 2 level with the extra expansions and terrain, as I will get the expansions later and this will already be pushing the duty limits.


Warhammer 40K will be pumping out a new 10th edition.  I haven’t played since probably the 3rd or 4th edition but have been up the new editions as placeholder sets.  I have not gotten much of 8th edition codices, or any of the 9th edition though.  Since it seems like this edition will probably be Tyranids vs Primaris Marines, I will probably get this as well.  It sounds like they might release the rules for the armies online, at least to start, so this would be a good time to get back into it.


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