Saturday, May 25, 2024

Figure Painting Total - April 2024

 Even though the gameplay on Another Glorious Day in the Corp from GaleForce 9 didn’t excite me from what I’ve seen, the figures did catch my eye.  I must not have been the only one as they had released the figures from the game and its expansions separately.  So I picked them up to use in upgrading my old Aliens board game from Leading Edge.  I also got the missing crates and tank traps from the Dust core set, as well as some dice and figures.  I thought it might be another squad, and it is almost a full squad of Allied combat rangers, with the bazooka soldier swapped out for another figure from a different squad. I may end up using them for objectives or casualties, or even as generic figures for other skirmish games.

I spent most of the hobby time for this month on assembling the Green Lantern Corps and Teen Titan sets from last month.  I was able to get a few figures across the finish line – my first for the year.




Aliens – Alien Queen – 1

Aliens – The Heroes of Hadley’s Hope – 13

Aliens – Sulaco Survivors – 4

BM – The Riddler and Bot Army – 4        

Dust Tactics – Allies – (combat rangers w/o bazooka)?? – 5 



DLB – The Curse of Oak Hill – 2

DLB – The Gourd Reaper – 4

DLB – Multipart Killer – 1



Apr total – 27 figures bought, 7 figures painted

Running total 2024 – figures bought 115, figures painted 7


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