Saturday, February 11, 2023

On the painting table

 When painting miniatures, some people like to focus on a figure or two.  Some people like to batch paint a squad at a time.  I’m somewhere between the two.  I’m not painting a lot of army games right now so I usually try to paint figures that will use the similar colors. 

With the skirmish games I am painting right now, I find it helps to paint a squad at a time so I can get a cohesive look across the models. 


Right now, and for the last three months, my painting table has contained:


Ten figures from my Dracula’s America Crossroads Cult posse.  These ones have more of a generic cowboy look.


Nine figures from Dracula’s America for my Plains Indian posse.  I have to finish the weapons, and feathers.


A Blood Bowl Treeman.  I’m hung up on the shades of brown as well as the gold cup/trophy inside him.


The nine man Braves (Warriors) gang from Street Wars NYC.  I have to finish the shoes, vests, and weapons.  I’m not looking forward to painting the tags on the back of the vests.  I’ll probably end up using the decals provided.


The last Final Girl from Don’t Look Back.  I’m struggling on deciding what to paint on her skateboard deck and what color to paint her hair and hat.  I also have the Supporting Characters, and Curse on Oak Hill sitting there.  I started painting the priest but not the demon ballerina.


The Ghost Rider from Unmatched Redemption Row.  The flames are giving me trouble right now.  I also have to paint the metallics – chains and spikes.


From Marvel Universe I have Thor, Captain America, Iron Patriot, and Pyro.



Just off my table, I have the Blood Bowl Ork team waiting to be painted next.



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