With the figures finally being painted, I made some trays for the cases I had bought. I found these cases at the local surplus store, Princess Auto, and bought them on sale. The foam is from Canadian Tire, and the foam core is from the dollar store.
I cut the foam core to fit inside the cases. The foam is thick enough for three layers. I pinned the pieces together while they dried. I started with 5 trays.
The pluck foam allows me to adjust to the size of the figures. I used contact cement to fix the foam in the foam core trays and I glued ribbons from the dollar store to the trays to make it easier to lift out.
I started with one tray for each for regular figures for the Marvel Universe game, one for DC Universe/Batman Miniature game, and one for other figures. I need to pluck the foam for the other two trays for the larger figures, and make another two trays for regular sized figures. Then I need to make some trays for Blood Bowl figures.
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