With all the costume work, we neglected to get pumpkins. On the way home from the Comic Convention we tried Supervalue, then Sobeys - both of whom were out. Luckily Safeway still had a pair so we were able to get some for the kids to carve, albeit a little more pricey than usual.
We also managed to get a fair amount of decorations out. I fixed the pvc joins on both the Pumpkin Jack scarecrow and the Jack Skellington. With the lights and the cool but nice weather, we had over 50 kids.
D3 went out as the Doctor with his friend and Gee grudgingly wore her Hit-Girl. She had been concerned that no one would know who she was. But a few of the houses recognized her so she felt better about it. We were actually out for quite a while - from a little after 6pm and not back until almost a quarter to 9.
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