Per the CBC news, Debby, the Polar bear at the Winnipeg Zoo was put down.
cbc link
She had been the oldest living polar bear. She had born in the Russian Arctic in 1966 and came to the zoo a year later. Per the article, 'at the age of 41, Debby entered the Guinness Book of World records as the oldest living polar bear. At 42 years of age, she was within the top three longevity record-holders for all eight species of bears, the zoo said.'
Due the enclosure no longer fitting the provincial standards, it may be a while before we get another one. Not that one could really replace her. These pictures were taken this October - she was still pretty active.
She's been at the zoo for over 40 years - longer than I've been alive. She's always been there. Since losing the wolves, which happened when I was quite young, this is going to be one of the biggest missed ones for me.
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