She had also made a trivia contest and scavenger hunt. This allowed those friends who were not able to attend in person to still participate. I thought that this was a brilliant idea. Apparently my friends did not.
One of my friends who was not able to make it sent in some pictures for the scavenger hunt, and my sister did the trivia even though she could not come. My mother, who did come, did the trivia, and had some pictures for the scavenger hunt. The rest of those friends who showed up did neither, and the rest who were not able to able it did not even try the trivia. My kids, who have access to everything from the scavenger hunt at our house did not even try.
We ended up going through the trivia questions (all about me) and I gave the answers provided by my mom and sister, and then the actual answer. My wife had come up with the questions but did not have all the answers. While I normally dislike trivia games that do that, I had fun with this one. It gave me the chance to wax philosophical to my friends.
While it would have been nice to have more friends show up, and more of those who did and didn’t come to have done the scavenger hunt or trivia contest, we still had a good time. We even ended up trying a modified version of Geek Out – another trivia game that only provides questions.
We had two Jeanne’s cakes – marble and banana. We had a lot of food left over. We ended the night having a bonfire and hanging around and chatting. It had rained briefly early in the afternoon but otherwise the weather was very nice, and we were mosquito free.