Back in 1977 a young designer named Steve Jackson released a ‘minigame’ called OGRE through a company called Metagaming. It came in a zip-lock bag and dealt with a massive nuclear-powered tank attacking an army of tanks and soldiers. One side had infantry, tanks, GEVs, howitzers and the other side had one counter – the OGRE. It cost a mere $2.95.
Based on the strength of this game he created Steve Jackson Games and published many other games – including Car Wars, Illuminati, GURPS, and lately, Munchkin.
I got into OGRE with the 1982 SJG edition. I always liked it and have picked up many versions – including the computer game for my Apple IIc – which allowed you to play against the computer controlled Ogre.

Last year word came around about Steve wanted to do an Euro-style version of the game with bigger counters in a solid box for $100. I was definitely in for a version and signed up for info. Yesterday I got early word about a
Kickstarter program where they were raising money to gauge interest in the new Designer Edition which would be released in November. They only sent this out to those who had signed up for Ogre info.
When I checked yesterday, they easily had reached their goal of $20,000. Today, they sent out the information to the masses in their Daily Illuminator email. When I checked this morning they were now at over $70,000. As I post this, they have currently reached over $95,000.
I would be in for this in a big way, but due to shipping and Kickstarter, they are only shipping these ones ordered through Kickstarter to addresses in the US. Unless I want to pledge almost $3000, in which case they will ship three copies anywhere in addition to some cool goodies. Sadly, unless I hit the lotto before May 11 I will not be able to get one.
I might still get in for some extra dice or pins just to show my support for the project, but this feels like a bit of a kick in the chest Steve for those of us across the border. I'm going to have to see if I can get it from one of the local games stores (because I still want one) but would have been all over this if I could have.